Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility. We want to help you make the small changes that have enormous consequences – for all of us.
A vision for a plastic-free world
Because the Earth does not deserve to suffer for our tastes or conveniences.
When you’re catering for guests, or just looking for a quick and easy serving solution, disposable plates, bowls and cutlery may seem like an obvious choice. But it can also be a harmful one. Single-use plastics and ‘paper’ tableware negatively impact the environment, through their manufacture and eventual disposal in landfill sites.
Choosing both nature and convenience
FOOGO green’s eco-friendly dinnerware is our response to over-reliance on plastic production, and the pollution it creates. Our natural, disposable dinnerware is a perfect substitute. It performs reliably when used and will biodegrade in compost when done.
Palm products made with safety and sustainability in mind 
Much of our range is manufactured from harvested dry areca palm leaves. These are collected from the forest floor after they have been shed. They are then cleaned in fresh water, moulded, and pressed into shape using a hot compress.
The process turns discarded agricultural waste into sturdy, reusable, and attractive tableware, which can be composted or cleaned and reused. Our palm leaves adhere to rigorous health and safety and biodegradability tests, necessary for certification prior to global export.
Investing in a better, eco-friendly future
As a company focused on protecting the environment, we believe it is important to find ways of improving our contribution to this cause. To achieve this, we work with green initiatives across the world to offset our carbon footprint, resulting in us being certified as carbon neutral.
Committing to carbon offset and social change
A key project we invest in helps the very people who harvest our palm leaves. Millions of people cook over open fires in India, which release harmful particles into the atmosphere. The process is also resource- and time-intensive — firewood needs to be gathered. As cooking duties are often performed by women, it also puts them at a disadvantage.
By investing in better cooking resources, it is not just air quality that is improved. The change is also improving the lives of local women, providing them with a better quality of life. In addition to this important project, we’re also assisting with rainforest conservation in Colombia, and the provision of renewable wind energy to the people of northeast Brazil.
Introducing the rest of our recyclable range
While only the best quality areca palm leaf is used in our compostable plates, bowls and serving platters, it isn’t the only sustainable material we rely on for manufacture.
Bamboo regrows quickly and does not require a large area for cultivation. This makes it an appealing renewable resource. We use bamboo to create strong, reusable biodegradable drinking straws and food-safe skewers.
Another renewable resource which benefits from rapid regrowth. Birch is a versatile and resilient material that serves as a perfect replacement for plastic knives, forks, and spoons. No chemicals are required to treat the wood, and the smooth texture makes splintering unlikely to occur. As with our other materials, birch is completely biodegradable and easily recycled.
We also make practical use of the leftovers from wheat harvests to manufacture disposable drinking straws. Unlike paper, wheat won’t dissolve in liquids and can be composted after use.
Seeing through our commitment to sustainability
‘Sustainability’ is a term consumers hear from companies wanting to be associated with positive ecological messaging, even when they lack the conviction to stand behind their words.
Here at FOOGO green, we believe in the importance of avoiding ‘greenwashing’. Our approach to sustainability is holistic, and permeates manufacturing processes, as well as social outreach.
- Palm leaf fronds are collected from the forest floor. They are not cut from trees, and no deforestation occurs.
- We’re investing time and money into researching alternatives to plastic packaging
- Areca palm leaf is a by-product of a sustainable food and pharma industry. It is not associated with the production of palm oil.
- Our bamboo and wheat products are sourced from materials that are easily replenished, using practices that limit long-term environmental impact
- As a company, we’re making a conscious effort to remain carbon neutral by contributing to global sustainability projects