An Eco-Conscious Makeover for Your Summer BBQ

An Eco-Conscious Makeover for Your Summer BBQ

11th Jul 2024

Do you wait the entire year to fire up the grill, turn on the stereo and gather your friends? Then, you don’t need our advice on hosting a blinding BBQ. But, if you want to reduce the carbon footprint that this BBQ causes, here are our two cents.

Not to rain on your parade, but did you know that Britain’s summer BBQs produce carbon emissions equivalent to that of 261 rocket launches?

Below are the variables causing this impact and how we can reduce them. 

The Grill

Charcoal grills produce three times more carbon than gas grills. And you know what is better than gas? Electric or solar-powered grills.

If you love the distinguished flavour that charcoal brings to your BBQ, use sustainably sourced charcoal. Many brands now source wood from Forestry Commission-approved woodland to make charcoals, which the FSC logos on the packs can identify.

Clean your grill regularly to avoid unnecessary emissions caused by burnt or residual food items stuck to your grill. And, while we are on the topic of cleaning, it’s always better to use natural cleaners like baking soda and vinegar instead of store-bought cleaning agents full of chemicals. 

The Utensils

Single-use plastics are a big no, especially in a BBQ set-up where the food is served super hot. Anyway, we feel plastic cutlery and utensils are last season as many excellent eco-friendly options are available in the market that you can explore. 

Imagine a BBQ where you serve your food on sturdy palm leaf plates, accompanied by wooden cutlery that can, of course, cut through steak and beautiful bowls to hold those sauces and sides. Amazing, isn’t it?

The Cooking 

How do you cook sustainably without taking the fun out of the food? You balance. We know that a typical BBQ cannot sustain a minute without meat, but try increasing the plant-based options and sourcing all your ingredients locally. This will substantially reduce your carbon footprint.

Also, refrain from making large quantities or varieties of food for a handful of guests. If you have leftovers, even after packing for friends and yourself, donate them to food shelters and food banks. They are always in need of extra help. 

The Waste Management

Segregate your bins into recyclable, dry, and wet waste and dispose of them accordingly. If you are hosting in a public place like a park or a garden (PS, DON’T host a BBQ deep in the forest and start a wildfire!), ensure your surroundings are cleaned before leaving. Also, don’t pollute the waterways near these parks with your trash.

If you have a home garden, you can have a composting bin for your organic dinnerware, which can be easily cleaned, shredded, and composted.

Take the time to educate your guests on why you are have a composting bin making this BBQ eco-friendly. This will make them respect all your initiatives for the BBQ and enjoy your little efforts for your passion for the environment (like making them a homemade cocktail instead of buying a case of beer).

Sustainability is a lifestyle; are you ready to adapt and promote it one BBQ at a time?