
Benefits of wheat drinking straws

18th May 2022

Benefits of wheat drinking straws

The devastating environmental impact of plastic production is well documented. Fortunately natural alternatives exist for a variety of products, including drinking straws.

What are wheat drinking straws?

The only component of natural wheat straws is in the name. The stems of wheat plants, grown for food, are simply cut to the desired size and sterilised for use before being packaged. That’s the whole process. No harmful chemicals or resource-intensive manufacturing is required.

The benefits of wheat straws

Some farmers burn the wheat stems that remain after a harvest. This process releases carbon dioxide and particulate pollution into the atmosphere. Making sustainable products from the unused stems prevents this.

In addition, using wheat stems for straws reduces waste and the need for deforestation to make new products.

Wheat growing in a wheat field saved from burning after the previous harvest

Naturally safe, sturdy and waterproof

Wheat straws do not absorb liquids or disintegrate when left in drinks, like paper straws.

The straws maintain their stiffness, but will still bend or squash under pressure. This makes them safer for use by children than glass or metal straws.

As a natural product that doesn’t require harsh processing, wheat straws do not contain any petrochemicals or harmful BPA, making them completely safe for home composting. They should break down in under two months, without the need for industrial composting.

Wheat drinking straws are also gluten-free, as most of the plant’s gluten is found in the seeds, not the stalk itself.

No need to sacrifice convenience for sustainability

From hospitality and professional catering to hosting guests at home – compostable, disposable straws offer the convenience that made plastic straws popular, but without harming the environment.

Straws can be disposed of after use without creating masses of waste. This saves on the resources required for sterilisation of reusable utensils. Instead, they can be discarded along with food scraps to become organic matter compost.

Child drinking from a glass with a straw

Tasteful but not flavoursome

Wheat drinking straws bring a simple elegance to the drinks they adorn. Each wheat straw is as unique as the plant it came from, and can be easily cut to the preferred size for any glass type.

Rustic and sophisticated, they bring a natural aesthetic to any event without being overbearing – from weddings to music festivals.

Wheat straws have no discernible flavour that can leach into a drink or affect the drinking experience. Hot drinks, those containing acidic fruit juices, or even alcohol – none will be impacted.

More eco-friendly than plastic straws

Should wheat straws end up in the ocean, they will pose less of a threat to marine life than plastic straws. As a product only composed of organic matter, they are biodegradable and less disruptive in a natural environment.

In contrast, plastic straws are one of the most common items found in beach cleans. Millions – or even billions – of plastic straws have been made, used, and discarded over multiple decades of production.

Community beach clean in progress

Despite their small size, plastic straws persist in the environment for up to 200 years. Even when broken down, they degrade into tiny particles that disrupt ecosystems and enter the food chain.

These particles are called microplastics. Microplastics can absorb harmful chemicals, which are then transferred into the bodies of animals or humans who consume them from the environment or food chain. We do not yet know the long-term health effects of microplastics in our environment.

Put a sustainable stamp on your events

Show your customers or guests that you care about your environmental impact with chemical-free, compostable wheat straws. Their use can reduce landfill waste and protect the environment – all while exuding the style associated with a premium product.

Our natural food and drink utensils are designed to replace plastic so you can enjoy the convenience and functionality of disposable tableware, but with the ecological benefits that come with a sustainable and renewable resource.

Check out our full range, which includes both disposable wheat straws and reusable bamboo straws, in our online store.